Adding Products To Collection

A step-by-step guide to shortlist and list items in your shop collections

Adding products to your shop's collection is an easy way to organize and prepare items for sale. Here's how to do it in a few simple steps:
Step 1: Head to the Product Library

Go to the product library in your dashboard to access all of the items you have available in your shop.

Step 2: Shortlist Items

Select the product you want to add to your collection and click on the "Add to Products" button. Choose "Sell It Later" to add the item to your collection.

Step 3: Move Items Around

Once an item is added to your collection, it will be listed under "In Collection".  You can edit the details anytime you want and/or remove it from your collection

Step 4: List Items for Sale

When you're ready to list items from your collection for sale, simply click on the "Edit" button. You'll be prompted to move the make final edits to the product before listing the product in your shop. Once you are finished, tap "List"  which will make it live and available to purchase in your shop.

Watch Demo Video

Adding products to your collection is a great way to keep items organized and prepare for sales. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to add, manage, and list products in your collection with ease. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team at