From your Wahool Dashboard, tap on the Product tab. From here you should a list of items that you are listed in your shop and collections. For you to share a link to one of these products, simply tap Share in the product card and a new section will appear with various options to promote and share your product. Your options are as follows:
Download Product Pics - You can easily download any of the default pics provided to be used for your own social posts
Post To Facebook - Share product and shoppable link quickly to your facebook feed
Download Promotional Poster - Quickly make a promotional poster from any of the uploaded videos in your media bin. Posters can be downloaded and saved to your phone for further sharing.
Copy Text & Link - A quick shareable post with some default copy and shoppable link to your item.
Copy Product Link - Just a simple shoppable link to your listed product which can be used to promote your product on any social channel.
When you are ready to proceed with sharing your product, you'll most likely want to copy the product link to share on your social media channel. Tap the link option to copy the product link and now you have a shoppable link to share with your audience.